The Weekenders.

May 19, 2021

When the work week finally falls asleep

we pack our electric cars and leave.

the clamoring construction of Denver

for the Rockies and her quiet splendor.

We lace up our boots and zip our Patagonias,t

fill Camelbaks with Ziplocs of granola,

and scale 14,000 feet

to hear marmots singing at the peak.

For a moment, we breathe like evergreens

quaffing arctic air so pristine we wash the city clean.

But the golden gaze of daylight never stays

and we crawl back down the wrinkled mountain face

to greet our Prius, Subaru, and Jeep fleet

where we rest our tired, blistering feet.

We’re addicts to this “weekend fix”

ut must say goodbye to nature, our mistress,

for hooded homes and cubicle cages

driving three hours back down the interstate.